Top Stores is a special store rating that can be found on the "Top Stores" tab of the Marketing Reports page.
Conditions for getting into the elite rating of stores
1. 100% efficiency and 100% uniqueness;
2. Elite level of service;
3. The store has more revenue than expenses (needs positive cash flow before taxes; conditions are the same as for many competitions);
4. Three or more selling items, there are no unsold items in stock;
5. Entering the top 10 stores of the city of the same size in terms of sales revenue;
6. All goods sold are superior in quality to local merchants.
Rules for calculating rating points
Elite stores are ranked according to a special rating. Rating points are awarded for:
1. For at least one victory (taking the first place with the payment of a prize) of this store in tenders, CM, CD or CP, the standard 52 turns are remembered;
2. For the exclusive representation of one city: if only one store fulfilled all the basic conditions from one city;
3. For specialization: among stores that have fulfilled all the basic conditions, three leaders in terms of revenue of goods of each of the product categories existing in the game and provided that the store has only one department receive a rating point;
4. For revenue: among the stores that have fulfilled all the basic conditions, 10 leaders in revenue receive a point;
5. For fame: among the stores that have fulfilled all the basic conditions, 10 leaders in fame get a point;
If the rating points are equal, the stores are ranked by revenue (trade turnover).
What gives getting into an elite club
1. If a store enters a club, it is displayed in the interface of the store itself, in the company's achievements and in retail reports by city;
2. Owners of the Top 25 Stores receive a medal with no bonuses, while the stores ranked in the Top 25 are not charged for installed innovations (in terms of the day the store enters the Top 25);
3. Owners of the Top 10 Stores receive a bonus in trading skill leveling equivalent to 10% boost for each rating point scored by one of the player's best stores. The bonus is taken into account in the recalculation following the day the store hits the top 10.
Skill Up Bonus Example
For example, the player's store scored four points in the rating and ranked first in the list of elite stores. And the other store of the same player scored three points and took fifth place. The final bonus will be taken from the best store and will amount to + 40% to the speed of leveling trade qualifications.